Update Logs
~Set the default world to update the date based on current date-time settings for a new game
~Fixed rename/ remove log not showing.
~Fixed rename/ remove for all reference items, all items referenced should now change to the new name
~Added Quests to the character creator. You can add and edit quests now including changing status and additional info
~Added horizontal scrolling to the character creator
~Remade pages to include chapters and set new orders as well as change the overall layout.
~Added categories to pages, depending on what they have will determine what the page is.
~Added action page text to a character location change
~Added world time change to pages
~Added Inventory Add and remove to action text
~Added bought proficiency points to actions text
~Fixed player creator add proficiencies and stats
~Fixed refresh resetting sounds
~Added Map Info to the main hud, players can now see items nearby, see actions info, and map settings
~Added settings to the gamebook
~Added warning for 3d items
~Removed Overworld info from game settings
~Added overworld structure as a standalone setting the game editor
~Added time to the overworld
~Changed World Advance time, calculate time and date text to accommodate for the overworld settings
~Added DLC compatibility for future builds on new and load game
~Fixed sounds not resetting on character card select and set
~Changed overworld structure to have multiple in-game editors
~Added hidden function to the game editor's owner name on a new item.
~Removed tutorial restrictions, now you can click buttons while the tutorial is shown
~Added location demand editor to the game editor for overworld, world, locations, and buildings
~Added the option in the game editor to remove lunar calendar in world and overworld
~Fixed visibility in the game editor for critical fail and critical success
~Fixed Abilities and spells in the editor. Saving these items will no longer create duplicates.
~Fixed proficiency hud for buying abilities, items will now display
~Set enter and exit location as a function. Instead of relying on existing data, the system will reget the locations attached to the current and next locations.
~Added refresh to location demands
~Added success value to taxed items, now you can have items with conditions, decay, and durability that are equal to, greater than, or less than the value specified. So items that are better or worst than the item on hand may be taxed differently instead of exact numbers.
~Added refresh to Character creator new character info
~Added additional info to the new character.
~Added auto Info Calculate for races, classes, and beast forms for character stats and restrictions. They will add the restrictions and values associated with their class race and beast form.
~Added auto owner recognition for items in-game editor, they will now display appropriate categories for each selected item category
~Added stat, natural tolerance, Skill, And magical class points to stat changes in the editor.
~Added natural tolerance points to the character creator
~Added Default Attributes and proficiencies to new characters on creation.
~Added attributes to proficiencies tab
~added back button to proficiencies and changed layout to be wrap box instead of scroll
~Added option in the game editor for default items for proficiency and attributes
~Fixed Date Time adding the 0 to time and day
~Reworked proficiencies tab to account for the new variables. Now proficiencies work as they should. unlike character creator, this tab now requires points to upgrade items.
~Added default location for new characters. They will now go to the first overworld in their list at the coordinates specified by the world start-tag
~Fixed missing variables for default items in all default races and classes
~Added language points to the player creator and editor stat changes. The proficiency tab now recognizes these points
~Added option to use proficiency tab instead of the character creator. Now character creator attributes and proficiencies are advanced settings as they do not use points.
~Added secondary dialogue for foreground and background chat.
~Renamed chat from predicate to subject
~Removed 3d objects to save space (will be added back in the future)
~Fixed Saved images failing to save maps
~Added Barter request script to the game.
~Added trade option to all 2d characters
~Added location demands menu
~Added reset to selections for all menu items on add or remove
~Added Cache to images in selections, Player creator, 2d items, and inventory items
~Added item tax and location tax to item price in the inventory
~Fixed inventory item in world messing up all edited items in world space
~Fixed player swapping, adding loading time delay to fix issues
~Added an option to set if a player is playing in the playing cards rather than just in the game menu, single-player and host can see this.
~Removed the ability to change player cards if that card doesn't belong to the player.
~Fixed item dropping in the world
~Fixed item pickup not showing
~Fixed in player creator; alignment, marital status, gender, beast stat changes, refresh on save, beast image,
~Fixed player creator new button and on open reset
~Renamed player creator to Character Creator
~Renamed Music Player to Media Player
~Added character name to character creator header text
~Added date of birth and death info to the character creator and to world calendar date and time
~Fixed slow loading time on save startup
~Fixed Refresh not showing load for menus
~Added holiday, language, and player image to the game editor
~Rearanged all game editor items fixing all image stretching and setting most important first before advanced features
~Rearanged character creator slimming down the UI
~Added 3d object change for all items in object settings in-game editor (no 3d objects yet, this is only preparation for the future)
~Added resize conditions to the game editor and added horizontal scrolling
~Fixed all lock images
~Switched all hud dragging to unlock on the first open
~Removed top layer button and added function to drag for all huds
~Added Livestock to the game editor
~Resized all selected images to account for stretching
~Added character stat and restriction changes to the following in-game editor;
-Craft Items
-Spell Tomes
-Crit Fail
-Crit Success
~Added dev settings to music properties
~Fixed abilities adding max level and XP level to the game editor
~Added Attack Damage And Specific body hit slot to the following in-game editor;
-Spell Tomes
~Added sound effects to the following items in-game editor;
-(all items with object Settings)
-Beast form
-Craft Blueprints
-Random encounters (music)
-Crit Fail
-Crit Success
~Added body temp, stamina max, hunger max, and thirst max to player stats
~Added byproduct misc items and failed byproduct items to foods in-game editor
~Added Level Cap to Skill Set And Magic Class In-game editor
~Added Current Weather to locations in-game editor
~Added success number to rolls in-game editor
~Added mathematics to attack damage in rolls for the game editor
~Added overworld settings to the server adding in a default map and sound on a new game with default items
~Changed World Info to allow world selection without selecting a location as well as removing the world entirely.
~Set up world tab exit location button to include all options
~Added relative scale to all realms and starting location info for location transitions
~Added world, locations, and buildings to the displayed items
~Added enter location to all realms in 2d
~Added pick up items for 2d items in locations
~Added reset code to sounds on location change
~Added drag and drop to 2d items
~Reset all hud sizes to fix dead zones
~Added image cache for past downloaded images on each game start. The game will save all downloaded images for faster load speeds in the game editor and in the main hud
~Added exit location to all world tags that indicate they are the starting location to a realm
~Added exchange items menu to the game
~Reworked currency exchange to account for the player amount and cross-reference remainder cash.
~Fixed Rename for game editor and the player creator
~Fixed player creator selecting new character search not working
~Added a new look to the inventory using Item Images instead of a list of items.
~Added music Player Scripts to the game.
~Reworked all structures to include sound effects.
~Added Custom notification sound URL to the options menu.
~Fixed dictionary and thesaurus URL
~Added volume control to the game.
~Added options to the main menu.
~Added Esc Function To Main Menu
~Added the ability to switch between beast and character for equipment in player creator.
~Fixed Warnings:
-Advance time specific
-Calculate Time Specific
-Player Creator Save
-Player Creator Delete
~Fixed Inventory Cash Amount
~Added overweight value
~Reset All Spin Boxes in-game editor (number sliders) to fix some issues.
~Fixed search icon in;
-game editor
-player creator
-Advance time
-background chat
-proficiency selections
~Fixed saving/loading Image
~Fixed Building Set new owner
~Fixed Music info in selections and added new info
~Added Credits to the options menu
~Fixed Grass in the main menu
~Added controls for moving the camera, world objects, and rotation of both.
~Added a new tab to the world for editing items.
~Set up user controls for world items
~Added warnings and tutorials for the new world editor.
~Added camera reset
~Added Hovering Info for easier selections.
~Added merging saves (slow) you can merge individual items from a previous save to the current one.
~Added 2d counterpart to the 3d objects in the world. You can now see items in both 2d space and 3d.
~Added 2d controls to each object.
~Fixed inventory item glitch with moving objects
~Added equipment script for the player creator and in the game bar.
~Slimmed down code for the following items;
-Refresh on huds
-All Add Edit Delete Scripts
-Rename Script (removed and slimmed)
-Add Edit Delete items with restrictions
-Player Controller
-Game Editor
-Buying Proficiencies
The interface now runs 3x smoother and faster in developer mode
~Added Conditions to opening proficiencies, Actions, and background chat.
~Fixed Game Editor - Apparel Drop down menus
~Fixed delete the item in the game editor (again, this time will be the last)
~Added loading message to most of the scroll bars
~Fixed modifiers and restrictions being confused for proficiencies
~Added Currency to the game editor.
~Fixed Rename Player Creator
~Reworked All Cost values to floats instead of integers for point of a cost.
~Reworked the repair cost to use the new currency
~Added Esc Button function for the options menu
~Fixed player start setting is playing automatically
~Added a temporary background to the Main Menu showing off the new items added in the game (future implementation)
~Re patched the drop-down menus for the game editor.
~Added more default items to the game for the new equipment update.
~Added tutorials to game rules hud for easy access.
~changed locations and building back to being referenced by name and not by name + owner name. This will break all duplicate names in past save games.
~Changed active effects clearing out the old structure for a registry.
~Added Turn Info to the player creator
~Added script to world info, you can see other characters nearby and look at the info.
~Added world info locations buildings and worlds, You can now see all locations around the current character as well as set new locations on select.
~Added exit building in the world info
~Added active effects in world info, you can see active effects in the location of the current character as well as in the world
~Fixed world tab maps adding download images to all.
~Fixed Main Hud world info displaying "time does not exist" in error
~Added add/ remove/ drop inventory items to selections scroll. Items will add/ remove from inventory and if dropped will set the location as said characters' location.
~Fixed hidden buttons in player creator to add proficiencies and stats
~Fixed on save changes in stats and tolerances. it won't delete the entry now.
~Remade the proficiencies, stat, item requirements, item modifiers, and quest objectives owner scroll looks. They now resemble the selections scroll.
~Set the new huds to only get info on name select for faster to reload.
~Fixed Language translator not working correctly
~Added cash and max carry weight to the player creator.
~Added calculation for current carry weight.
~Fixed rolls not adding to the dropdown box in text search.
~Added Custom inventory info to items, names, enchantments, and potions can be added to items.
~Calculated time on a new game for default world.
~Added the ability to change your worlds in the world tab even if they don't have a world in the first place. So long as you have a character selected.
~Added toggle background map to world info tab (for future 3d view)
~Added scripts for advancing and calculating the time for all worlds at once.
~Fixed player card images (again, forgot to bind image)
~Set background image to fill the screen and stretch to borders.
~Fixed Percentages, changed integer to float.
~Fixed dice rolls
~Added item select to dice rolls
~Fixed Image icon for text search lock button
~Changed top buttons to a new design for dice rolling message.
~Added top layer movement to all huds. a new button has been added to all huds and on open, they go to the top layer.
~Added crafting items script. You can now craft item blueprints and recipes.
~Added craft requirements to enchantments in-game editor.
~Added repair Items to crafting script. You can now repair items.
~Added new variables for repairing items to most inventory-based items. rate of decay, condition of item, durability, rate of repair, cost to repair, current decay.
~Fixed spelling mistakes in tutorials, warning messages, and in the update log with Grammarly. (other mistakes are future fixes)
~Fixed Action Points Required In-Game Editor - Foods
~Fixed all missing variables in the game editor.
~Added the ability to edit past game pages
~Proficiencies tab is now working. you can buy spells and abilities for your character.
~Changed how player creator downloads images.
~Removed the ability to change and add other player cards in narrator mode. Only the host can.
~Cleaned up player cards info. it now displays some character data.
~Added show info button to all character cards.
~Changed how selecting players work, now if the host selects a new player that player becomes the new host.
~Fixed Player Count And game mode disappearing on load game.
~Added more default items for crafting examples.
~Bug found - some huds may be unclickable because of the top layer fix. So to fix this, you simply close the hud that was opened last.
V 1
~Fixed images not loading in the background.
~Fixed alignment dropdown box in the character creator.
~Fixed object info in-game editor not showing for all items.
~Fixed Player Card Images
~Fixed download images on start.
~Fixed Beast form restrictions not saving some variables.
~Added Beast from Image
~Character Image now changes based on if the beast form is active, swapping the character image for the beast form image.
~Reworked all images for future map update
~Reworked proficiencies and stats for all items. Text Search now works for finding proficiencies and stats to items/ characters
~Added Modifiers, restrictions, and give items to items in the editor.
~Added rolls to the editor
~Changed effects restrictions and stats adding new drop-down menus and fixing old ones.
~now the system can handle more effects with more information as it's been subdivided into 3 categories removing 79 variables from the base effect structure.
~Changed building structure, now building owner is the location instead of the world. added world owner to the building. All buildings created must be reworked.
~Added 5 new registries for effects, item restrictions & modifiers, item rolls.
~Added notes to the game editor
~Reworked all character restrictions in the editor for; Beast form, Classes, Effect, Guild, Races, and added Rolls.
~Removed all old entries to structures and editor.
~Reworked all structured library arrays. On search, items will now transfer into their array category and search through each separately instead of one giant array. this will reduce crashing on variable count limits
~Fixed Class not saving image URL
~Total number of removed/ relocated variables;
- Beast form - 38
- Classes - 10
- Effects - 79
- Races - 10
- Total variables removed - 107
- Total variables relocated - 45
~Added Critical Fail and Critical Success to the game editor.
~Fixed Player name "(new-player)" glitch in-game editor.
~Fixed game rules displaying all items regardless of having rules. instead of requiring names rules now require text to be shown.
~Broke inventory. I'll revamp the inventory to accommodate for the variable limit. Before I had the item information in all inventory items, this is too taxing for the system and will lead to crashes. Future updates will touch upon this.
~Touched up proficiencies tab, it should display buttons and the skills/ magical classes/ languages owned by current character.
~Fixed no character card error
~selections scrolls are now set to only process information on clicking the name.
~Character structure has been reworked. To ensure the server can handle the information, characters have now been split up into subsections of themselves. like with effects, all saved character information will need to be redone.
~Added turn-based stat calculations for active characters (not fully implemented) it will search through character stats and beast stats. based on the amount of time passed and the hours in a day, it will add or remove the hours in a day, times by 11, then times that number by the hours advanced and divide 60 & the result by the minutes. the total result is the amount of hunger, thirst, lust, beast form, bloodlust, and sleep the player receives or removes. if the character is sleeping then all but lust is reduced by half. for lust, it is 4 times the normal rate.
~Removed all inventory functions from all huds. Only visual is left.
~Reworked player creator hud to accommodate the new beast form system and the split character information. There are now stats and proficiencies for beast form.
~Added code for some variables not fully set up in player creator.
~added walk & distance to restrictions.
~Changed Species in the race to more accommodate the Combobox
~Added more default items to the new games for examples and easy setups. Classes, Races, Custom Stats, Custom natural tolerances, and more have been added to the game. with the help of my mate for some of the dnd classes.
~Added an option in the new game window to add or remove default items. when removing items, only the developer items will still be shown. all other items will not be included.
~Added owner tag to text search, now the system can search with the text search hud using a character/owner name. This helps with the new modifiers and restrictions to all editor items as well as choosing locations and buildings with specified owners.
~Changed quest objectives, seems the hud wasn't fully finished from before.
~Changed object settings to be singular instead of multiple settings per item category within the hud. this means all object settings are available, even ones not designed for said category. (possible future separation from item structures to save variable space)
~Saving/ loading message changed to now only show for 1 second.
~Fixed Languages in the game editor. now you can omit words as well, each character can be separated by a space. This should fix languages as a whole so they should work in the book and background chat.
~Fixed Sounds for the main menu now with an infinite loop
~Fixed missing icon image on all game editor text search buttons
~Changed main menu layout
~Updated default images
~set images to download on selection.
~added thumbnail image to selections
~Fixed Selections info, all info should appear as normal now in the dropdown menu instead of jumbled nonsense.
~reworked all structures accounting for old changes to code. Gearing up for world creation.
~Changed Opening and closing hours for building. they now have minutes.
~Created a new function to account for renaming items. It will cycle through all items and rename any tags with the old name. This also works for registry items not seen in the editor.
~Fixed Magical Class In-Text Search
~Fixed owner name at the beginning of item creation in editor. now the field will change the owner's name.
~fixed the rename glitch in where it showed the last name created even though it was renamed.
~Changed in how stats appear to the creator. now they should work.
~Added objectives to the quest tab in-game editor. now you can see all quests and change the objective number
~Added Duplicate save to the load game menu, now you can duplicate your save and select what you want to be saved within the duplicate settings. This is great for fixing the player card glitch.
~Added locks to all menus for changing drag positioning. huds no longer are in set positions.
~Added images as placeholders to the game until images are created.
~Fixed Player Creator Proficiencies, you should now be able to select proficiencies in the creator to give to Characters.
~Fixed warning "name is blank" message.
~Tutorial Messages are now fixed. they will no longer show up with just tags. All tutorials not yet made are disabled by default.
~Added pages to tutorials. Now they can have multiple pages of tutorials in one subject.
~Added Local Player Name to the main menu to stop the name glitch. This fixes the player cards in offline mode.
~Fixed Deletion Glitch, where on delete it would show what the item was even though it was removed from the list of information.
~Fixed Saving/ loading message, it will now display.
~fixed actions menu, Some buttons are now available to use.
~Fixed Game book is typing message. removed from code.
~Fixed Advance time where it would reset calendar data on advance time.
~Added Calender to the game bar
~Added Player Info to the game bar
~Set up new warnings.
~Calendar now shows all info including holiday info.
~Added button to switch out players in player cards
~Added players to the game editor
~Added Calculate world calendar button in the world of game editor for easy access.
~Removed hud positions menu
~Alphabetized all Selections in the drop-down menus
~Added Seconds To World Time & Time Advance
~Added Steam Support. In singleplayer the game can now be used for steam remote play.
~The local settings now autosaves on tutorial & warning hide check.
~Player Cards now only show players that are ready (online or in-game, you can set a player as ready in the game editor)
~Added Music To the Main Menu
~Added Quit Game to the main menu
~Multiplayer in steam now works, you can host and join games.
~Joining Friends is now an option in find servers
~Player cards now have no limit to the number of characters controlled
~player cards now have a button for setting the next player turn (for gms who like taking control instead of turn-based)
~Player Cards can now select a current character. this fix opens up all future features of the game and makes it start becoming playable on its own. Most items that require this will need further testing.
~World in the game editor now shows seconds for time and advancing time.
~Added Patreon button to the main menu.
~Added help in the options menu, you can find access to a dictionary, thesaurus, and a list of popular story arch structures and information related to each.
~Added flash to all huds. they now flash on open if already open for quick easy find.
~Added option in the options menu to turn off flash
~changed how tutorials work. now tutorials popup individually & display category for tutorial
~Added export in the options menu to export the gamebook to the desired location in a rich text document. you also have an option to remove most of the unimportant text;
-Player names
-World date & time
-Background chat
-Background chat location data
-Background chat language data
-Foreground chat language data
-Action Text
~Fixed game rules. the interface is now clickable
~set game rules to only show items with rules
~Fixed background chat, it should send messages in both the background menu and in-game pages
~Added background image to the game. depending on your player characters location building and the world will determine what map image to use
~fixed Local Saves. they should now save user menu hide data.
~Set up local save deletion on new save versions. the game will now delete warning and tutorial hud visibility data to account for new changes.
~Delete saves will now delete the actual game slot. before it only deleted the entry data.
~Changed How Version info was saved to keep track of it on import. (requires a load of the save file to reset.)
~Added Creator Name to the saves. (requires a load of the save file to reset.)
~fixed import saves. it should now add the "-" and import the save with the proper name and key.
~fixed the warning message for the advance time. it should now close.
~fixed the import save warning. it should now continue with the import.
~Changed in how items transfer & images download. there will now be a percentage and seconds counter for waiting times (experimental)
~Set up default hud positions & a reset button in the menu.
~fixed Player cards no player glitch.
~Player information now saves on game start.
~Set header text for advance time.
Bugs -
~Menus still will not save positions.
~Player Cards are unable to show player deck.
~fixed the load game bug where the menu would not open.
~Created a new menu advance time.
~Set up warnings & tutorials for advance time.
~Fixed Popup menus, Player Character menus should now hide when set.
~Set up online functionality for advanced time & added specific world advance time.
~ fixed flipped search buttons categories for player creator life info job world & building
~added Calculate Time to the advanced time tab. Players can now create/ reset the calendar within the world.
~Fixed tutorials, editor should now have tutorials for a few categories.
~added an end to the loading for proficiencies.
~added an import save load option. now you can share saves without deleting the system save data.
~Changed load order for all huds. Warning & tutorial should now be on top.
~added time to downloading images message.
advanced time on all worlds is too complex and, therefore, crashes the game. Advancing all has been disabled for now.
~Added more tutorials to the game editor and added a tutorial to the player creator.
~Added a tooltip text to selections for each category
~set up a button to easily submit image URLs in player creator
~fixed text to show where to place owner name info
~Fixed Quest selections, they now show info.
~set up blank name errors & blank owner name errors to save created info from being rewritten over.
~Finished the selections delete button. it will now delete entries.
~Remade warnings for player creators to fix compatibility issues.
V - First public release
~Changed photo sizes to accommodate a larger image.
~Fixed player images and deity images. They will now display.
~Fixed Player selections in where no info is displayed.
~Added a default image to URLs on empty.
~Added a download image at the start of the server to load all custom images.
~Added Image URL to all saved structured items that use player-created images.
~Added image URL to the saved information within the editor as well as setting info for players to see URL.
~Fixed all items using owners as saves would get overwritten.
~Set map size in the editor to be 256 x 256 for viewing in the editor.
~Changed in which sub owning items work, you must have an owner to save it or it will break the item and fail to save properly.
~changed the selections to allow scrolling through info
~Added drop-down menu text for all missing entries.
~Added owner edit field for items requiring owners. (not all are connected)
~Changed in which the information edits and saves info for the editor.
Most features are disabled/ not working.
Disabled features -
-World Tab
-Rules Tab
-Equipment Tab
-Player Cards Tab
-Inventory Tab
-Background CHat
-Game Book
Known Bugs-
~ Player Creator tells the player to save when the information has already been saved.
~Search bars may need the text for items to appear
~player creator delete button works on the last character created when none is selected. for deletion. Only helpful in bugged situations. (ie Blank Character Name Glitch)
~Blank Character Name, atm it's bugged if you make a character and don't change the text field, so if you're making the same character twice and need to re-add the character, reenter in the name in the text field. Do not leave blank
~ Changing names will not update any text tags and they will need to be manually replaced
~Delete button in selections drop-down box does nothing. to delete use the main hud.
Get Mythic Realms
Mythic Realms
Collaborative CRPG: Craft tales, systems, and adventures with friends in this immersive storytelling experience.
Status | In development |
Author | Otterly Games |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | book-creator, Multiplayer, Singleplayer, Text based |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Interactive tutorial |
More posts
- Mythic Realms Alpha New Update! Version 0.4.147 days ago
- Mythic Realms Alpha New Update! Version 0.4Nov 12, 2024
- Another System UpdatedMar 26, 2024
- Mythic Realms - NewsDec 30, 2023
- Mythic Realms System RevampNov 16, 2023
- Mythic Realms Alpha Update V0.3.6.6 Public BuildAug 19, 2023
- Mythic Realms Update V0.3.6.6!May 24, 2023
- Mythic Realms Update V0.3.6.5!Apr 07, 2023
- Mythic Realms - Whats Next?Feb 14, 2023
- Mythic Realms Update V0.3.6.4!Jan 05, 2023
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